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import os as _os import sys as _sys import asyncio as _asyncio import re as _re from dotenv import load_dotenv as _load_dotenv import openai as _openai from twitchio.ext import commands as _commands from gtts import gTTS as _gTTS import platform as _platform
def _validate_env_vars(): missing_vars = [] if not OPENAI_API_KEY: missing_vars.append("OPENAI_API_KEY") if not TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN: missing_vars.append("TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN") if not TWITCH_CHANNEL_NAME: missing_vars.append("TWITCH_CHANNEL_NAME")
_openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY
ENABLE_TTS = True # Enable TTS
def _speak(text: str): if text: try: print(f"[TTS] Converting text to speech: {text}") tts = _gTTS(text=text, lang='en', tld='') # Set to British English"output.mp3")
def _get_blocked_words(): return [_word.strip().lower() for _word in BLOCKED_WORDS.split(',')] if BLOCKED_WORDS else []
BLOCKED_WORDS_LIST = _get_blocked_words()
def _is_message_allowed(message: str) -> bool: return not any(_word in message.lower() for _word in BLOCKED_WORDS_LIST)
conversation_history = {}
def _split_text(text, max_length=50): sentences = _re.split(r'(?<=[.!?]) +', text) chunks = [] current_chunk = ''
async def _generate_openai_response(channel: str, user: str, message: str) -> str: if not _is_message_allowed(message): return "I'm sorry, OrbAI does not tolerate that."
class _TwitchBot(_commands.Bot): def init(self): super().init( token=TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN, prefix="!", initial_channels=[f"#{TWITCH_CHANNEL_NAME.lower()}"] )
if name == "main": _bot = _TwitchBot() try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[Shutdown] Bot is shutting down...") except Exception as _e: print(f"[Error] Unexpected error: {_e}")
Code used to for most of the backend of Orb AI.